Welcome to the Site! We are currently restructuring as we expand our Holistic Context (January 2017)
Please find Bright Sky’s Permaculture Diploma here. You can see how to use this site.
Welcome to the Site! We are currently restructuring as we expand our Holistic Context (January 2017)
Please find Bright Sky’s Permaculture Diploma here. You can see how to use this site.
The Pathway
Primary permaculture design certification achieved in February 2012 with teacher Christian Shearer and Geoffroy Godeau. During the following internship at Rak Tamachat Permaculture, a peer review and support group was formed between myself, Theron Beaudreau, and Chowgene Koay. The goal was to receive a permaculture diploma through the British Permaculture Association by completing 10 projects over 10 weeks. In the four years since that initial goal, Theron has entered a program with Gaia University as a Diploma Mentor. Chow has shifted his attention to managing the family business.
Through many conversations with students, friends, and colleagues, the most resonant path was an independent study and self-validation. The pathway came to completion in January 2016.
+Summary of field work 2012-2016
+Video thesis 2016
Projects: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
My goal is to complete a two year study of Applied Permaculture Design using the standards of the British Permaculture Association, in association with materials designed by Richard Perkins,in order to become an accredited permaculture practitioner.
After taking my PDC, I realized that I had just grazed the surface of sustainable systems, and I was eager to put these new concepts and strategies into practice… we realized there are limited options for higher level permaculture education in the United States. We decided to break some new ground…
-Bright Sky, Page 1, Project 1
Organizational Associations in Texas
Laughing at oneself is an essential component to self-compassion
Pattern is great texture
Body Temperature for January
Central Texas Permaculture Summit
Mysterious Coincidences
Microscope Friend
Upcycle Organics Pilot Project.
“Everything is music. The wind – that’s music.” – Riley AKA Nightvision
Return Home, the Flag, and the Stone
Playing with red capes & black hats.
a dream from Friday, January 17:
“woke from a cide(?) dream where I’m in a single seat on a ground track armed with scissors, a cooking knifte, and colored light pads. a woman dressed as a ghost. dropping candy & money. tootsie rolls.”
a dream from Tuesday, January 21
“had a dream about a motorcycle, family vacation, a body of water, hotel room 444”
HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIES are more fun when your household is A) In the forest. B) With cool people. C) Papercrete. That’s how we roll. ONE FOR THE MONEY, TWO FOR THE HOOD. The economic flow of these classes amounted to me personally at $100 over 4 months.
January 25: Biochar & Berkeley Workshop. This first piece went through the washing machine and was totally unharmed. Pure carbon.
February 16: Seedball Workshop. Mixing clay, flower & food seeds, nitrogen fixers, minerals, love, care, azomite, coconut medium…
March 21 : Permaculture Voices Conference Report. 27.5 Hours of lecture time from many of the most commonly cited authors in Permaculture Design Courses. Crowdfunded the transportation costs to get there with two other Texans. Hosted by Emerald Village.
May 4 : International Permaculture Day Perm the Park & Pizza Party. May 4 all day celebration, tours, site maintenance, pizza party.
D continues holding “Perm the Park” Saturdays. Stop by if you’re in Austin, Texas.
Other pictures:
site analysis
flowforms – check out the foamy oxygenation on the left as opposed to the falling water on the right
I was invited to integrate permaculture experience with several schools, including Austin Independent School District’s Eastside Memorial & Travis HS, and St. Andrew Episcopal’s Garden Club.
AISD & Ecorise – Caving in Limestone Aquifers
St. Andrew’s Episcopal – Natural Cob Bench Building
Austin Permaculture Guild Permablitz @ Eastside Memorial
Books Read From Cover to Cover Between January – June
“Any surface on which they scribed had to be a topological feature of a system… Systems always divide all Universe outside the system from all of the Universe inside the system.” -p.46
“Scientifically speaking… there are no directions “up” or “down” in Universe – there are only the angularly specifiable directions “in”, “out”, and “around”.. Our own misconditioned reflexes are powerful deterrents to our successful self-reorientation of our apprehending faculties to accord with the emerging truths.” -p.55
“In the effort to grow dividends to shareholders, engineering design was replaced with style design.”
“Most urgent scientific admonition towards successfully realizing any play is to take advantage of each of the trends and to develop them, no matter that it mat be in a novel manner, toward the advantage of the populace concerned.” -p.306
“…the war’s number one lessons, i.e., the advantage of employing science to satisfy needs stated as functions. Any economy… can out perform, per capita, any other economy in direct proportion to the degree of initial control in planning conceded to science by politics.” -p.307
Game of Universe: Individuality & Degrees of Freedom
537.41 We may define the individual as one way the game of universe could have eventuated to date. Universe is the omnidirectional, omnifrequency game of chess in which with each turn of the play there are 12 vectorial degrees of freedom: six positive and six negative moves to be made. This is a phenomenon of frequencies and periodicities. Each individual is a complete game of Universe from beginning to end. This is why each of us individuals is so much alike and yet completely different, a unique and individual way of playing the game with each of the omnidirectional degrees of freedom. With the six positive and six negative omnidirectional degrees of freedom moves to be made at each turn of the play, the individual can move to any cosmic point that is not occupied and can move back over the same points or move on to new ones. Intellect as “god” can play all these incredibly different games in all these different ways and at all the differential rates at the same time.
537.42 The individual differentiates the position in Universe. The six degrees of freedom operate at every turn of the play. Just think of the frequencies per second of each of the chemical elements that make up the individual human body and then think of the priorities of those frequencies.
537.43 That each individual is a complete integrity is one of the reasons I don’t have to make any effort in loving my fellow human. (In the first-person plural of we – even the I classes itself with the other. Each individual integrity has a steering effect, and like all steering effects, it goes from one ( ? ) to another. Certain individuals may be very mode aberrations from all the corruption that’s going on in Universe, acting as just one of ( ?)( ?) and very wide aberrations so that Universe can hold its center. At that center ( ?) is the ( ?) and you turn inside out and only the tetrahedron turns inside out. The other side of the universe is not like the other side of the river – it is an inside-outing.
537.44 We regard each individual as the special case, but consciousness as the generalization. Like the bumper sticker, “The Real World is Special Case,” reality is special case. You and I are sitting here, and no one else can be sitting right where we are. This is the kind of reality that the newspapers ( ? ). They write about realities, as if we were all the same things. If you and I are sitting here, we couldn’t possibly be anywhere else.
537.45 There are many different realities. This is the difference between reality and generalization. There is only one generalization. The only reason the radio works is that it has no interference. The game of Universe can be played on any one of the fantastically large number of the quadrillions of frequencies; the game can be played any way just so long as there is no interference on the frequency you are using, so long as there are not two pieces in the same vector equilibrium at the same time.
537.46 What is important about the individual and important about the universe is that neither is exempt from any of the rules. Universe is the ( ? ) and the individual is special case. Universe is the aggregate of all the generalized principles. Each is individual is one of the illotes(?) of ways the game of Universe could be played.
“God probably has a hundred different ways of creating life, evolution being only one of them.”
Burning Man was born a year before me in 1986. Buckminster Fuller, in his 1981 book Critical Path, insists that a design revolution must take place before 1989. The children of MOOP swooping, leave no trace, and radical expression have changed our culture to appreciate engineering design as well as style. Though I have yet to personally participate in a burn event, I can appreciate many of its ripples through the field.
I set up education space at two festivals this spring: Flowstorm, an event through Quilombo Paixao, and Texas Wild Rice Festival, near San Marcos Springs. Many core organizers for these festivals have been intimately connected with our permaculture courses, and certified through Theron Beaudreau.
+Texas Wild Rice Festival Schedule
A journal exerpt upon first hearing of the Buckminster Fuller $100,000 design challenge:
TWRF: Display an artifact that will spontaneously cause all of humanity to abandon their destructive habits
solider – one who operates as part of an organized land-based armed force.
scientist – one who engages in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge
scientist-soldier – one who engages in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge as part of an organized land-based force. arms include pitchforks, shovels, and microscopes.
permaculture – an ethical design system known for ecological strategies